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3 Tips on Carpet Cleaning at the Holidays

Thanksgiving is next month. Can you believe it? According to a 2022 Black and Decker survey, 48% of Americans are willing to skip a day of work to clean house so they can host a festive event for the holidays. That’s some real dedication to clean, and we like it. During holiday gatherings, and all […]

Dos and Donts of Cleaning Hardwood Floors

In a recent poll sponsored by an appliance care company, 65% of those surveyed said that their cleaning skills left room for improvement. We know that cleaning your hardwood floors can be quite the task especially if you live in a large house or apartment. Though a big task, we encourage you to do that […]

5 Reasons Your Hardwood Floors Always Seem Dirty

While resilient and laminate flooring options are on the rise, hardwood floors still hold their own, with $2.41 billion in annual revenue last year according to Floor Covering News. Hardwood floors are here to stay, and though wood floors can elevate the aesthetic of any space, they are notorious for looking dirty more often than […]

5 Ways to Remove Allergens from Your Carpet

Indoor allergens are a common trigger for those with allergies and asthma. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), “nearly 1 in 3 U.S. adults and more than 1 in 4 U.S. children” suffer from seasonal or food allergies as well as eczema. When it comes to our homes, allergens often find […]